
As part of the Summer of Photography 2012, La Centrale électrique is presenting the exhibition “Landscapes of the mind – Mindscapes” or how to make the invisible visible? In several chapters, this exhibition provides a subjective and intuitive reading of the photographic depiction of the human being and the landscape. Photographs of mediums, scenes of voodoo, evanescent bodies, x-ray images, materialisations, subjective landscapes, etc. are all exhibited as stages in a journey through the mystery of representation and perception.

More information at: http://www.lacentraleelectrique.be

Nocturnes des Musées bruxellois 2012

Mmmuseums! This autumn, come enjoy yourselves every Thursday evening at the Brussels Museums Late Evening Openings.?It’s a perfect opportunity to discover some of the gems among the city’s museums and enjoy a visit with a twist and for only 3/1,50 € (some museums are even free)! In 2012, gastronomy is in the spotlight: guided tours, animations and workshops will make of your visit a special moment to spend with colleagues, friends, or family.

More information at: http://www.nocturnesdesmuseesbruxellois.be

Norah Jones @ Forest National

Norah Jones makes a brilliant comeback with a fifth album entitled “Little Broken Heart”. She will be performing at Forest National on wednesday 12 September 2012.

Born on 30th March 1979 in New York, daughter of the famous sitar player Ravi Shankar, music runs through Norah Jones’s veins. She makes her first steps in Manhattan and that’s where she develops her unique style.
Today, Norah Jones is back with “Little Broken Heart”, the gorgeous fifth album including the famous single ” Happy Pills “. Norah Jones will be at Forest National on Wednesday 12th September, a musical moment not to miss for any reason.

More information at: www.forestnational.be